Dear Galway Dive Club,
I took Boy Wonder for his routine post transplant check up in the Renal Clinic in Temple St. last Thursday. Although word had reached us that Olive, the play specialist, had transformed the clinic waiting area into a jungle, nothing could have prepared us for the gasp of delight from our little man as he rounded the corner. His eyes lit up and he stood rooted to the spot, momentarily speechless, until he turned slowly and announced to the assembled staff and kids that this place is crack-a-lackin'! High praise indeed from a very discerning young man who, in his short 6 years has seen the inside of most of the Paediatric facilities on this island, and some other islands too!
This magical transformation was entirely financed by the sale of your beautiful calendars. I was incredibly moved by the fact that a group of people who had probably never even been to Temple St., contributed their time and energy into raising money to enhance the lives of kids like our Boy Wonder. For kids with renal disease, frequent hospital visits are an all-too necessary part of their childhood. For parents, having a joyous and welcoming hospital environment lifts our spirits at a time when they in danger of being quenched.
Please know that the money you raised has already made a very important difference in the lives of the kids and staff of the hospital and will continue to do so for many years to come. Take pride in the fact that your efforts will be the ingredient that will help a scared child overcome the worry of an impending blood test or provide a frazzled parent with a welcome distraction from the drudgery of dialysis.
Thank you for thinking of us, our tough journey has been eased by your concern.
Wishing you good luck and awesome diving!
Lovely tribute, Ann
This brings a whole new meaning to receiving a Temple Street 'certificate of bravery'... Boy Wonder can boast that he's survived the jungle!
And his mother has survived the desert of the HSE community therapy services!! ;-)
Hi Marian,
Welcome on board thanks for your kind tribute. I'm not sure I've always managed grace and dignity and I've avoided GBH only by the slightest of margins at times!
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