Hi All,
What can I say about today except Thank You! Thank you to whatever deity you're having yourself, thank you Temple St, thank you Beaumont and thank all of you for praying. It sounds so simple, so inadequate yet no other emotion even comes close to describing the emotional depth of gratitude felt today. Rory was formally discharged from ICU and welcomed with open arms, red carpets and brass bands back to the renal ward. It was literally and emotionally a very moving experience.
He arrived back to a hero's welcome, eclipsed only briefly by his father's arrival. The reunion between the two was fabulously informal! A groggy yet gleeful Hi Dad! from Rory and a pained,lovely to see you lad, but those stairs nearly killed me, nod from Niall. Between the move and the lack of pain relief both men looked the worse for wear. So I was mercifully saved from another excuse to weep copiously! It would have seemed just a tad over the top given the lads that were in it!
Rory's afternoon was a mixed one, the initial euphoria gave way to a troubled morphine downer. This was relieved in jig time by the, as ever, amazing staff. He went from shaky, can't move from the bed status, to asking me - can we go out in the buggy within seconds once the new meds kicked in! Then the team met and discussed his normal blood pressure, his normal oxygen saturation's and his normal fluid intake volume! We're all so normal now I could puke! I've just about got my head round the BP and the sats, but a fluid intake of 12oo ml in 24 hrs nearly floored me! This is the lad that had 450ml a day max for the last 3 yrs, now they want us to cram a whole weekend's worth of feed into him in a single day! Like I said before, this whole normal lark is going to take a whole lot of getting used to!
Niall is just as bemused as me, but I guess it must feel really satisfying to know that without his incredible bravery, this whole normal label could not have applied to our son. The more I live through this, the more I realise that a living related organ transplant is the most perfect meeting of science and the beauty of the human spirit. Long may they continue to compliment and enhance each other.
PS Sue, can I just say again, those cakes today - seriously quality goo!
Well Ann, i read your latest posting with tears in my eyes. What fantastic news, we can only vaguely begin to imagine how emotional it must have been for the 3 of you, to be back together and with such positive progress. And an amazing 1200 ml in a day, he'll soon get his strength back and be running around terrorizing the ward!!
Keep the postings coming we love hearing the news
All our love to you all
Freeda, Nigel, Tara, Sean, & Cian xxx
Hi Anne,
Great to see a picture of yourself and Rory back in the ward. Each step is a step forward. I know what you mean about getting used to normal. It takes a while to get used to saying yes to things, but it does happen. I'm delighted that Niall got to see Rory also. And Jesse is always on my mind. Please let her know that we are all very proud of her and that she is the best big sister that Rory could want. As for yourself, fair play for keeping it all going. Continue to mind yourself. All our love and prayers and good energy goes to you.
Hey Ann,
More great news,sounds like Niall is back to his laconic self.This is the first thing we read every day.You have done an amazing job through all of this Ann,and taking time to keep us all updated.
Hopefully see ye all soon back west.
chick and siobhan
Ann - you and Rory strike such a (dare I say it?!) normal pose - back in each other's arms - one week on. Amazing and inspirational news.... lots of love and thoughts to you all, Aideen
oh ann,ye look beautiful and cosy and oh soooo happy.!!!!!
its a real pleasure and huge priviledge to be allowed into yer lives at this momentus time..
ye rock!!!
What a lovely photograph!
You will have to stock up the larder and buy some new clothes for Rori!
Watch out he will be after those cakes!
Love to Jess
Pierce just called me at work so we could read the latest blog. I am sitting at my desk almost unable to type, as the tears of joy keep welling. What fantastic news! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here, and I can assure you all our family's prayers of thanks and joy with be directed at the Baretts. Rory...Eat baby Eat! Niall...Rest baby Rest! Ann, sending you, Jess, Niall and Rory a huge hug.
All our love,
Shan and Pierce
Pfff !
I'm useless with a machine , you know that already ...
je ne suis pas sur que mon 1er message soit passé?
alors brièvement ( ce qui n'est pas mon fort , ah! ah ! )
La photo est sublime de complicité , Rory est à croquer et tu as l'air radieuse
kiss + big hugs to the beautiful boys
thinking of you & pretty Jess
I'm so proud of you Shnake
"liverfluke" Véro
Oh that photo of you snuggling up with your little boy! Blubber!
I can see why you could not get out this morning. Eventful day by the looks of it. I didn't bother with the gooey cake without you. Will save that for another day.
Great to get all the news and with such wit too! Love to all.
Fiona G
Dear Ann It's been humbling to read your last couple of blogs and see those photos these past days. We're so pleased for ye, awestruck doesn't describe it. But your descriptions do, brilliantly. Frankie, Ophelia and Theo xxx
Hi Ann,
Normal is so good!
hope the weekend has gone well, catch up with you next weekend hopefully.
Loads and loads of hugs
Fiona, Kieran and Lily
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