I'm thrilled to reveal real progress today!! Rory was extubated at 12.30 today - the ventilator tube was finally removed and he continued to breath beautifully on his own. His voice is still very low and he is quite groggy but like a true trooper, the first words he uttered were Angelina and Scoop - for those of you not familiar with 4 yr old popular culture, that loosely translates as follows: I want to watch my Angelina Ballerina DVD followed by a few episodes of Bob The Builder shaprish please.
This was followed by an emotional reunion with his old blankie and also a brand new Lofty, which I had purchased in a haze down Henry st on the day of his operation. It is absolutely wonderful to have our old Rory back. It had struck me yesterday how much I had missed his voice, as he had been completely silenced by the ventilator. He was a lot calmer and more settled than expected, happily settling into watching his DVDs and checking out his new toy. Of course news of his tube release spread like wild fire round the hospital and all his fans from the renal ward were beating a path to his bedside - we almost had to call security!
We are hopeful to have him back among his mates on the ward tomorrow, it all depends on how his night goes. I'm bracing myself for a busy week ahead.

not yet seen the miraculous results of his generous gift of life.
So whatever you lot are putting in those prayers, it's working. Can we be greedy and ask you all to continue please - just for a little while longer....
And to those in Dublin offering to meet for coffee - yes please, but can we go somewhere that also serves really gooey cake? Please keep up the blog comments they are a life saver.
WOW! WOW ! WOW ! I am speechless ...can you believe that Anita ? The photos are just great . Aren't they hansome these Irish guys ?
If I'd been wiser ...
Je les trouve magnifiques les lascars en photos !
Je suis d'accord avec je ne sais plus qui qui a dit /écrit très justement que tu n'avais rien a envié à la plume de JK Rowlings ...c'est bien plus intéressant , plus émouvant et plein d'humour à la fois .
Si lire nos messages te fait du bien , sache que suivre tes bulletins d'infos sont tout aussi passionnants .
Kiss + hugs for Rory & Shnake
tendresse à toi ma belle
pensées à Jess & à tout le clan Barrett-Brehony
Hi Ann
We really are delighted that all is going so well for Rory and Niall - it's absolutely terrific !
Hi Anne
Reading the update has lifted all of our spirits here this morning. Its magnificent news about Rory's progress - he is a real trooper. We cant even start to imagine how much Niall wants to see him.
Thinking of ye all xxx The Wards, Galway.
Ann - what wonderful news to tune into this morning. Little Rory is such an amazing wee man! I really hope that Niall is reunited with all asap. Keep up your strength - all of you xxx
great to hear that things moving along positively to date..big hugs to both niall n rory and you should have one too and i will give your insides a hug with goey choc cake at weekend!!!
Mike and I are so happy to hear Rory's magnificent progress!
When we met him in September he won our hearts. As Carmel, Yvonne and I walked Rory to the lake I could tell he was a fighter. He kept telling us "make the buggy go faster".
He has been in our prayers all these years. A lot of cousins in the States are praying for all of you. Our love to Jessica and all the Barretts.
Mike and Kathleen
Great to see the boys looking so well. No chance Rory could start on a course of After Eights, they seem to be doing the trick for niall and I have sworn by them for years! Keep up the good work, lots of hugs
Hi Ann and Niall,
Reading you blog and seeing the pictures of the two hansdome devils is the best possible thearpy after a days work and commuting home with a train full of coughers and sniffers!
So glad to see Rory and Niall looking so well.
Speak soon
lots of love all in Brighton.
Just talked to the elder warrior on the phone and it is great to hear eveything still to plan!can only imagine how emotional for you all after the lads first reunion!sending lots of love as always to you all!rory and margie
We are so pleased to see the progress of your two boys.
I hope Jess is well and up to speed on all developments.
There is news of a new baby in Sligo born to Mark (my mothers nephew) - Connor 6lb 9oz.
Do hope you get some coffee and cake and some fresh air soon.
Love Mary and Anna
I am delighted that Rory and Niall are making such good progress.I look forward to logging on and reading your latest update and I think I have finally worked out how to post a comment!
Lots of Love
Sheila & the Robots in Brighton.xxxxxx
Wow! Great to see pictures of the Barrett Boys. Amazing the resemblance, particularly the punched in the face look! What a reunion that is going to be! I can almost feel it from here. I can do coffee tommorrow(wed) am if you about. Would that cream with the fruit in it that they serve with scones in Hugh Lane do the trick? I have tried to post before but I think it came up on a previous day.Such a luddite! Hope this one works.
Love and kisses and tears of joy
Fiona, Colm, Oisin and small Niall.xxxx
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